Friday, April 16, 2010

Britney Spears?

What did her new album debut at? Even though she's getting slammed I still hope she's doing well.

Britney Spears?
It debuted at #1 despite how awful everyone was expecting it to be. I know, it's pretty painful to watch these days. Britney needs to stay home and out of the public eye for at least the next three years. Send someone to get Starbucks for her. Then after years of therapy, rehab, having a personal trainer, stylist and nutritionist -- she should gradually get seen in public WITH underwear on.
Reply:she debuted on #2, The Eagles were #1. *yay*
Reply:in the US and UK chart, it debuted in #2 .. the Eagles new album in 30 years was the number 1 album in the US and UK chart... britney did quiet good despite a very public life boos... britney's new album might be the number 1 but billboard chart change the selling type of album---- that's why it became #2 .. it's (blackout) became her first studio album in four years to not debut in the # 1 slot though she is the only woman to have her first five albums to have debut to top two slots...
Reply:It debuted at #1
Reply:it debuted at no. 2 cause changed the rules 11 hours before posting it

they did it just to bash her
Reply:#1 but it will probably be at #52 within 4 weeks

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