Friday, April 16, 2010

Britney spears?

omg! she lost all custy of her two children. that must really suck. i love that girl and i dont understad what happened do you know?

Britney spears?
I'm not a fan of Britney Spears (I used to be eons ago when I was in the 8th grade when she first came out), but maybe this needed to happen to make her realize that her actions are hurting her. Like her peers, Britney feels as if she's above the law: whatever to court of law tells her to do, she does the opposite because she feel that her celebrity will get her off the hook. Once she got the word that she lost custody of her kids, she handed them off to Federline's bodyguard at a Karl, Jr.'s -- which as déclassé if you asked me. That was a private matter that should have happened at Federline's home. She must have not been too sad to lose them if she went tanning, she went to the DMV (which is a very positive step forward) and she went to the Peninsula Hotel (to do what, we don't know). Maybe this is her way of masking her hurt and anguish over loosing her children.

I'm hoping that she can get past this, what she's going through and losing custody of her kids should be a lessoned learned to grow up. Britney needs to realize that she's no longer her own top priority; her children and their well being comes first and foremost. She needs to realize that sometimes the advice from those who love you is the best advice no matter how much you don't want to adhere to it. I'm rooting for her to clean up her act because I hate to see people who obviously have a very strong fan base let their fans down.
Reply:It wasn't any one thing -- it was a cumulative chain of events. But most recently, she was seen driving her kids around (and she doesn't have a valid driver's license). Plus, I think she may have failed one of her weekly drug tests.
Reply:She was a horrible mother and could not handle them.
Reply:Ummm she married a total loser and was not mentally strong enough to handle adulthood.
Reply:I know! I hate it when people lose custy of their children! lol
Reply:She was a horrible mother. She neglected their safety. She danced up on stage in basically her underwear. She is not suitable of being a mother. Its a terrible thing to admit, but its true. I would be a better mother and I'm only thirteen. She deserves to have them taken away. What if she got into a serious car accident with them in the back seat. Think about it, its very possible.
Reply:wtf! stop worrying about Britney Spears she ask for it!


Inbeem got it perfect!!!

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